Friday, January 26, 2024

Both big and little

There is a YouTube channel called "Crappy Childhood Fairy" which covers trauma during early development. I have not watched it for a while but recently it ended up on my feed and watched one woman's story which was heartbreaking.

I think we all have our big and little traumas and a good part of our life journey can involve letting go of the past after having made some sense of it. We come to some understanding of the issues that those people who caused it faced and draw lessons for ourselves.

This lady's story was filled with psychological abandonment and severe judgement from her parents. The advice from the channel creator to her letter made sense and encouraged her to make a fresh start because it is never too late to heal and find our esteem again. She gave practical measures which she could begin to use to heal the wounds.

As transgender people we may have faced our own childhood challenges and coming to terms with how they impacted us will be key to establishing an improved mindset which respects our nature rather than make apologies for it. The alternative being that we carry the voices of others in our heads rather than our own.

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