Monday, February 12, 2024

Questioning identity

Clinicians will tell you that their patients question their gender identity. They may remain questioning for a long time but the point is that many may not feel comfortable identifying as either male or female. People who don't question gender identity are indeed fortunate because this is one aspect you definitely don't need in your life. Some are certain that they are meant to be the opposite gender.

I like to use drag queens as the perfect example of almost pure expression because the vast majority understand they are male and never question it. They simply regale in what is often an exaggerated form of femininity which they put on like a costume.

Binary transsexuals like Terri Noel used to hide in their ranks in the 1950's and 60's I suspect largely because it was a safe place to lay low until they found a resolution to what for them was questioning of birth sex which far exceeded what the vast majority of the population had ever done. She eventually married a man who never ended up knowing her history.

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