Monday, August 19, 2024

"Can you please fix me?"

Back in 2007 I asked the Montréal General Hospital gender identity clinic if they could please fix me. A lot has happened since then but it illustrates how much in denial I was and how much I had suppressed since my childhood. Things in society were also not where they are now.

They told me rather politely that they couldn't "repair me" but they would do their best to help me. Nancy Dubois who was a young sexologist at the time with the program was assigned to my case and over 3 months we worked on my situation through 1.5 hour long sessions. It was the beginning stages of unblocking my psyche.

Eventually I was approved to progress into the program but I could ill afford to take a risk with young children and a marriage on the rocks to take any risks and so I abandoned for fear I might transition.

I then took on my own cause (much of which was chronicled in my writing) at my own pace and realized it is more than possible to do so and come to the right place. For I was too bull-headed and skeptical to have it be otherwise. It turned out to be the right call.

Today the young people entering the program (some whom I have met) no longer ask to be fixed for they don't think there is anything wrong with them. They simply come asking for guidance.

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