Wednesday, September 4, 2024


The Trump cult is full of contrarians. Many of them are common folk who are used to being ignored and marginalized by society. Trump feels familiar to them which is why they relate to him and the more you hate him, the more they support him. This is not about rationality but about emotion. It is about the ability to stoke fears in people and having them hold on to you while you tell them you will rock the system and fight for them.

It does not matter that Trump is a drooling and sweaty imbecil who talks about bird-killing windmills. His tone and histrionics is what works for them. They don't see what you do.

Converting these types of people will be extremely difficult as many of them are low critical thinking skills to begin with. People are emotional before they are rational and Trump voters tip well into gut feel territory so using logic and statistics is pointless. This is especially true in 2024 when everyone is an expert on everything.

That crazy uncle who digs in his heels at Thanksgiving will not be changeable so just give up and vote in bigger numbers than people like him do. Better to argue with a brick wall.

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