Thursday, September 19, 2024


The latest episode of "Piers Morgan Uncensored" features Jordan Peterson which I could not watch because at some point I would suffer a brain aneurysm. Two insufferable windbags of this caliber would be too much for my nervous system to bear.

Both of these men are archetypes for what I despise on the right which is smug and dismissive pseudo intellectual clap trap. It is hatred and fear wrapped in half-hearted attempts to appear that you have thoroughly analyzed your subject matter but haven't. It won't shock you both are Trumpists but distinguish themselves from the base by refraining from wearing tin foil hats.

When I saw the video show up in my feed I decided not to watch and simply spew my disdain for them both here. It also won't surprise you that Peterson also has strong opinions on transgender care except he knows as much about that as I know about performing brain surgery. He has been told by his professional governing board to stop attacking people on social media or risk losing his Ontario license but he can't do that because his brain needs to indulge his instincts as a perenially dissatisfied curmudgeon. 

Completely insufferable.

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