Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Save our kittens!

The latest hoax is that Haitian immigrants are stealing the pets of Americans and eating them. Apparently this is all over social media and being shared by the likes of JD Vance, Elon Musk,Ted Cruz and the detestable arch-villain Stephen Miller. Anything to swing the election.

For the record, this panic started from one isolated incident involving an American with some mental health issues who did indeed consume a pet. Of course the entire story has been turned into a flood of people at the southern border coming for your kittens.

It is both depressing and exhausting to live in this golden age of idiocy where the electorate is assumed to be this stupid and undoubtly one faction of it is. But most Americans should be fed up and vote these right wing lunatics out. Trump and his slurring while playing make believe accordion will not be missed by most.

I for one will be celebrating for a week.

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