Friday, October 11, 2024

The dividing line

How can we tell where we are on the dividing line between expression and identity? For many it is not remotely easy particularly if you lie somewhere in the middle or towards the latter part of the spectrum. As one approaches transsexualism it becomes increasingly fraught with challenge. 

Harry Benjamin found his type III and IV patients particularly racked with struggle although at that time transition would have been extremely challenging even in the mid 1960's. Today people who he might have classified as type I or II are starting hormones, experimenting and some regretting. Such is the change in climate. 

I love the openness of today as I also am wary of the dangers of pushing the envelope too far. Older people are more constrained by virtue of life decisions made unless they were clearly androphilic to start (such as an April Ashley) and their dysphoria put them clearly into types V and VI.

Were he alive today Benjamin would have no doubt rethought his typologies or at least tweaked them with the same kindness and understanding he had from the outset. With no agenda other than to learn.

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The polls show that its a dead heat between Harris and Trump. Can we say that this is the result of idiocracy? Without a shadow of a doubt. ...