Saturday, November 16, 2024

Man yells at clouds

Bill Maher can't help himself because he is entering his "old man yells at clouds" phase of life. On his latest show he blames the election loss on his usual "boutique" issues of transgender people and makes fun of "queers for Palestine". 

The loss was really about educated and wealthy elites leaving the working class behind which helps explain why large urban population centers vote blue while more rural areas vote red. It's become largely college-educated versus non, but Maher would prefer to strawman because he can't keep up and transgender people confuse him. 

Biden tried to do what he could despite being constrained by a hostile congress but in the echo chamber age it's much harder to get through to people.

Instead of focusing on the core issue of economics and being left behind which many Trump voters felt, he chooses something which most people don't care about. They worry much more about the cost of food, housing and other expenses plus feeling looked down upon culturally not whether trans athletes are taking over women sports. Not that it wasn't fed to them ad nauseum as red meat by perennially hateful right-wingers as distraction.

I used to be able to watch Maher, but now, his smugness runneth over.

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