Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Balance point

When judiciously administered, gender variant behaviour can make people quite content which is reflected in a number of blogs I sometimes read. However trans people with strong dysphoria can be more angst filled because of the difficulties inherent in considering what to do with a complicated situation; one which can often involve weighing the merits or pitfalls of transition.

No formula is perfect of course, because even those who are perfectly fine in their birth sex identification but are seeking outlets for expression, can have trouble getting the right amount given they may be with a non-accepting spouse.

When someone is in the process of determining whether they are trans versus gender variant, the learning curve can sometimes be quite steep. It can become a process of trial and error where openings for exploration can be few and much introspection is required. For this reason it can sometimes take decades as it did for me.

Finding that balance point is not remotely obvious especially when often our worst enemy is ourselves. Thus, if you are trans, eliminating any lingering internalized transphobia becomes paramount which unfortunately, especially if you are older, is a feat easier said than done.

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