Wednesday, May 3, 2023


If you read my old blog then you know I have no love for Jordan Peterson. He is exactly my age and the antithesis of what I aim for in life. In other words, he personifies the worst instincts of the tail end of the baby boomer generation.

There is nothing more distasteful to me than haughty pseudo-intellectual posturing aimed primarily at disparaging others. So he will spend his time on Twitter shooting at what he and his fellow Daily Wire alarmists call the decay of society. All this because we are making cultural progress which does not suit him or them.

If you recall, his fame dates back to his refusal to address a young transwoman student at the University of Toronto with the correct pronouns and only grew from there. After, he became father figure to young men who seemed confused by the societal protocols of the modern era and he wrote a book with 12 rules which ostensibly told them to take personal responsibility by making their own beds. The problem is that Peterson only believes in personal responsibility with social justice a thing for losers who he kicks to the curb with dismissive and often irritating lack of decorum.

It would have been acceptable for him to remain guru for these young men but his new found fame bolstered his bravery and made him believe he had sufficient expertise in every other area. Not that his fanboys on the right would notice, but his skin deep knowledge of other subjects offers plenty of amusement and as a fellow Canadian I feel shame that he holds so much sway. On trans issues, for example, he is beyond pathetic but then he just needs to feed the uneducated on the right their dose of what they want to hear to keep them happy. Here ignorance is bliss.

Anyway, next time he cries, someone please hand him a hanky.

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