Wednesday, July 19, 2023

As i live now

It's very revealing to be out in the world every day as I live now. What I most like is how comfortable I am and how I am largely ignored which is a sign of how much your headspace factors so largely; we all come in different shapes and sizes. Yes, things have changed and I am treated a little differently but not so much that it impacts me either positively or adversely. Overall I would say the treatment is generally better especially from women.

The novelty of being addressed in the correct pronouns wears off but it is replaced by something much more valuable which is comfort in one's own skin in a role you weren't supposedly born to play. No, your problems don't go away and you still have ups and downs of course only that you experience all from a place closer to your core.

Having more people in your inner circle not know your history is at once validating and sometimes worrying because you are unsure how they might react upon disclosure. For example I have an upcoming social gathering with 3 women and it does play on my mind only increasingly less so as time passes and all will be handled on a wait and see basis.

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