Sunday, July 9, 2023


I have explained before why I don't identify with the concept of bi-gender or gender fluid. It is because it had my brain become somewhat schizophrenic and because I don't see gender as something one interchanges. Perhaps for the externals we can talk in this manner but for the internals I favor and apply a unified concept for myself.

There are those who can do this and indeed many gender variant people seem to exist in this fashion rather happily. But to settle into myself I required a unified theory of the self.

Older trans people have often settled for this bifurcation of identity which was less desired outcome than consequence of decisions made in the life led prior to self actualization; because once at the right place, it was not always possible to start again with a clean slate.

Most of us who came late to authenticity have had to do this with the only difference being to what degree.

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