Saturday, July 22, 2023

Good times

Human nature is highly predictable. The haves don't want to give to the have nots but there is a point at that gap becomes so dangerously wide that your society invariably implodes.

This cycle is being constantly repeated throughout history in differing incarnations of ruling class. All global powers have run under much the same system and the US, despite its semblance of a democracy, is no different. It operates like an oligarchy where the richest citizens essentially pay for congressional favor through donations. To believe otherwise would be to deliberately cover one's eyes.

Without a balanced system the risk is that the poorest citizens fall below a standard where they eventually become burdens of the state due to lack of livelihood or access to health services.

But human beings, being generally short sighted, ride the good times without sufficiently preparing for the winter to come. This applies to people as well as nations.

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