Wednesday, July 12, 2023

It only deepens

I'm going to need to get off the politics train because it is a shit show everywhere I look. The US in particular is going through the most tumultuous period in its history with respect to its fragile grip on democracy since its inception. It is also starting to appear to me that justice may not come for the crimes committed under Trumpism.

In any event, the cards will fall as they will and if their republic is meant to survive it will. For we know what happens under dictatorships and people never learn until they scald themselves on the stove by experiencing it. 

The human appetite for fascism (right now in the form of theocracy) is strange but clearly it appeals to enough people and not just the dim witted. The indictments having the opposite effect in that they bolster the popularity of a criminal, it shows to what depths some are willing to go to achieve a goal they think will help them.

Sadly, my understanding of humanity only deepens as I age.

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