Monday, July 24, 2023

Killing a vampire

The term "crossdressing" is completely meaningless. Consider that by the standards the 1950's all biological women of today are "crossdressers". But not only that, the term does nothing to address motivation which is the most important element you want to try and convey as not everyone practices cross gender expression with the same intent. In general, most trans people don't think they are "crossdressing"and yes I am aware that not everyone who identifies with the term feels they have a trans identity.        

Cultural norms change and what is normal in one era would be aberrant in another. Men wore wigs in the 18th century which isn't exactly daily fare today. But what we want to do is address meaning and motivation and our terminology should attempt to do that. We also want terms to be as universal as possible which means employing a lexicon applicable to both sexes.

Yet for some reason this term refuses to die so I guess we will have to rely on the GenZs to do it. God bless them :)


  1. Let's kill it. It only provides cover for someone that is unwilling to admit they are transgender.

    1. For many people (not all) this is absolutely true


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