Sunday, July 23, 2023

Live your life

I still see comments in blogs about physical size stopping people from being authentic. I'm 6'1" and almost 200 lbs and have friends who don't know I am trans.

Are there women taller and heavier than me? Duh

Please live your life. It's all in your head :)


  1. I had a young co-worker who was about 6'6" transition and she is as cute as a button. Just rock the height.

  2. So good of a point Joanne! We can "escape " our fears!!!!

  3. I appreciate this post. 6'2" 185 myself. And I feel I have to wear long sleeves and long skirts because of my athletic build.

    1. Lots of women in the world in that size range :)


All respectful comments are welcome :)

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