Friday, July 14, 2023


For older trans people getting full family support can be tough. They know you as this other person and even if they claim to support you, they seem to care more about upholding that image than affirming who you are. They also have busy lives with their own concerns.

For this reason I have distanced myself with the best of possible intentions rather than feed the narrative they expect. You wish them all the best but it's now your turn to live your life as you see fit.

Ideally they should approach you and try to get to know this person but so far it hasn't been what I might have liked. Still, we are on our own in life and we make our way based on who we are. If we were to live otherwise, we are not honest with ourselves or with them. You don't stop caring for them but simply choose to put you first.

Any future "rapprochement" which will occur in its own time and in the meantime I continue to adapt and grow into myself each day. For I also need to continue to get used to living as me.

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When their guard is down

Most people are kind.  It's when you talk to them openly and with a smile that you get to see the best of them when their guard is down....