Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Smoking gun

I've been reflecting and reading about the subject of gender variance for my entire life. Not being self accepting as a trans person made my research mandatory because I needed to comprehend whether I was dealing with sexual deviance, mental disorder or simply an intrinsic way of being. In that way I have my father's intellectual curiosity.

Even as I now have my answer, it still bothers me that so much ignorance in the world passes for knowledge. So while part of me is happy there is no "smoking gun" gene yet identified, the other part thinks it would go a long way towards soothing the rampant transphobia of today.

The reality is that some gender variance is elective and so we end up with a mishmash of diversity within its borders. If we found the source of transsexualism it could then make others targets for simply being happy to play with gender expression.

Therefore the nebulousness is perhaps best because people don't need permission to be themselves and, although I vehemently disagree with those who say dysphoria does not exist (hello Abigale), I want them to just feel safe in knowing that not having it does not make their choices any less relevant to them.

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