Tuesday, August 1, 2023

In which it resides

Trumpism shone a light on the fallacy that "it can't happen here". Many Americans, perhaps blinded by their own programming in their country's exceptionalism, could perhaps be forgiven for thinking that fascism was something they were naturally immune to. The reality was quite different and even now neo-Nazi groups regularly show up at drag time story hour reminiscent of 1930's German brown shirts.

It turns out that people are very similar everywhere you go with equal measures of hopelessly stupid, brilliant, kind, mean-spirited, and every other combination we can think of. Critical thinking skills are also not more proportionately numerous in any one nation; something I have never been so certain of.

As I wrote here before, this has been my closest seat in observing how a populace can detail itself so readily through being led by the type of toxic, imbecilic and narcissistic leadership which seems to appeal to so many.  While I may not relate to the mindset, over my life I have nevertheless learned to recognize the types of people in which it resides.

No, it's not pretty but regretably highly predictable.

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