Sunday, August 6, 2023


Getting to the core of what ails the world first needs to get past culture war outrage which passes for intelligent discourse on the right. They have of course expectedly lost their minds and at their extreme end are pining for some sort of theocratic fascism.

Until the last of the boomer and GenX generations fully hand power to millenials which will eventually go to GenZ (who are almost completely devoid of toxicity), we will continue to see massive turbulence and strawman tactics from the right which blames ails on immigrants or LGBTQ people or some other convenient bogeyman.

The problems are of course the same as always which involve injustice stemming from greed. The serfs struggle to make a living while the capitalist class reaps more and more profits until the unbalance becomes unsustainable. If history is to be trusted this never ends well and there is an implosion leading to a remaking of the society into hopefully a better version.

The most successful social experiments seem to be the ones who lean less towards the excesses of imperialism and try to, as best they can, look after the population within their borders. The US is currently a prime example of what not to do and seems to be following that tried and true formula which declining world powers invariably fall into which is decay from within.

The current era is one of global flux and we are in the midst of massive cultural change which includes remaking rules about romantic relationships, the nature of work and even how we parent and foster friendships in such a technology dependent world.

All of this will take time and will generate much turbulence before we decide on new formulas.

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