Friday, September 8, 2023


Just to be clear, the video I posted recently which explained AGP was to provide you with some background on Ray Blanchard's work which is being peddled incorrectly by some transphobes who sell it as simply arousal equals perversion.

The reality is that Blanchard was more specifically proposing not only a two type male to female transsexual taxonomy but that both of these are motivated to transition for sexual reasons rather than due to true feelings of identity. In other words that the identity is false and is simply aberrant sexuality which then creates this feeling of dysphoria; gynephilics driven by a misdirected sex drive towards the self and androphilics to be able to access straight men.

Are there people who express gender variance purely for sexual reasons? Of course but transphobes put them in the same basket as well because they need as much ammunition as possible. They misrepresent Blanchard's work either deliberately or perhaps through not understanding it and I've seen some serious dumdums try to talk about it on video.

The important thing is to understand your own motivations and to feel right within yourself such that you are free of any distress. That sense of balance will be your guide that you are doing ok.

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