Tuesday, September 12, 2023


I used to be certain that indulging cross gender expression would worsen my gender dysphoria which is why I would refrain for long periods at a time until the pressure built. That this is not healthy became obvious over time and I learned that it was making me more stable if I came to terms and that I was feeding into a necessary part of my essence and identity.

Knowing what I know now, those who cannot or will not transition and are dysphoric are best served by finding ways to reduce anxiety and depression by celebrating this part of themselves as much as they are able within the context of their lived experience. We know from Harry Benjamin's work that dysphoria is graded and many of us also know that it can go through cycles of dormancy and then sudden explosion.

By flattening out those peaks and valleys we find a balance point and establish a consistent and reliable pattern. If transition is not possible or even desired then at least we have established predictable harmony which both the mind and the body tend to crave.

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