Saturday, September 23, 2023

Run for the hills

What we used to term tranvestic fetishism still exists as does transsexualism but the right wing and TERFS have conveniently tried to lump them together to denigrate transgender people as much as possible. This formed part of the discussion I had with Helene the other evening who is more than qualified after so many years in practice to recognize typologies.

There is nothing wrong with being either only that one deals more with identity and the other primarily with sexual expression. I also know after so many years that some people have trouble distinguishing between them even within themselves. I think part of the reason has to do with the intense stigma surrounding any type of fetish no matter how tepid.

The other day I received an email from someone I had overlapped with years ago who had two outings a year with his wife and wanted to reconnect. They asked how my life was going and I answered that I had retired and had socially transitioned. Needless to say there was no further response as they had likely run for the hills for fear what I had might be contagious.

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When their guard is down

Most people are kind.  It's when you talk to them openly and with a smile that you get to see the best of them when their guard is down....