Thursday, September 28, 2023

Smoking gun

For the longest time I have reflected on where gender dysphoria comes from and have always concluded that is has genetic roots although we don't have perfect proof quite yet. Some brain scan data exists which leads us in the right direction but there isn't a conclusive smoking gun.

If there are genetics involved it helps explain why trans kids are aware that something is up so early. In my time many of us dare not verbalize it but we knew we were different and kept quiet.

I had convinced myself that this was all my fault of course but life experience and research has a way of giving you perspective and I can look back confidently and know it wasn't. Plus my strict religious upbringing brought no influences that would have encouraged it. My poor mother was mortified to the point of yelling when she caught her little 4 year old first born in her pumps. Although she swore years later she didn't remember, it marked me for life and forced me underground.

We understand that gender variance contains many variables within it and no two people are alike and although typologies are generally useful to us they do not reliably predict outcomes. 
What helps us is that transgender people and gender variance in general appear predictably over the millenia in every social class and culture which says "so much for social contagion". It is instead completely statistically predictable.

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