Friday, September 8, 2023

Too big to fail

The American justice system may yet redeem itself. By now its obvious that it is two tiered and were Trump some poor black man he would have been long ago incarcerated. That this hypocrisy has been exposed is a good thing because the comments I read have some beleaguered citizens say they cannot wait for the orange blowhard to face the scales of justice. All this is a wakeup call to show how easily your comfort level can be derailed in just a few short years.

There is a strong minority appetite for fascism within every nation normally fed through the ignorance of the masses and the callousness of those who viscerally understand how to capitalize on it. So long as people are kept obedient they have Carte Blanche to do as they please in these Orwellian times.

The 14th ammendment may still work to disqualify Trump should justice fail with these indictments but that will depend on a Supreme Court that has already been compromised with right wing ideology.

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