Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Toujours pareil

That Trump's fortunes continue to unravel and yet his poll numbers remain unaffected says less about him than human gullibility in general which I am increasingly less surprised at as I age. People have uncanny abilities to make up their own truth all the while having little interest in examining what they believe through a filter of critical thinking. It's a type of mental laziness that I cannot explain.

That the church and monarchies were able to control the population for millennia is now easier to understand. For you had the promise of heaven or hell while the royalty reaped the benefits through fear of stepping outside the alotted lines.

Freedom is actually an illusion because many countries, most notably the US, operate through oligarchy except the ruling class are now capitalists. Their wishes are met through those little envelopes passed on to lawmakers while the population thinks that the tide will turn in their favor with the right candidate.

That the result is always the same is unsurprising. The benefits continue to roll in until a point of excess is reached and the entire enterprise implodes asking to be remade. All empires have had the same fate.

C'est toujours pareil.

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