Friday, October 6, 2023

Don't be one of those

One of the reasons to consider the distinction between dysphoric and non dysphotic gender variant people is because of relationships. If we are denying our hard wiring and not treating dysphoria seriously enough we may be suffering unnecessarily. This is contrasted against people who may have very mild to no dysphoria to speak of and can balance their existence much more successfully within the confines of an amorous relationship. I don't worry about the latter and wish them Godspeed but I do about the former.

My point here is that I hate to see gender dysphoric people not seek treatment for something they were born with and are biting the bullet in silence with what are sometimes agonizing bouts of dysphoria.

As I have said many times, treatment for gender dysphoria can be tailor made for you and not necessarily involve a medical transition. However to sit there suffering in silence with a birth condition that in its worst forms can be excruciating is just being a glutton for punishment and loving partners would not let us suffer so if they truly care for us.

Over the years I came a solution (perhaps not perfect) which is now entirely non-negotiable lest I fall into depression and I have no intention of going back where I was. Some of us are no longer here thanks to despair so please don't be one of those statistics.

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