Saturday, October 7, 2023

Quick to judge

Thinking many people were superficial idiots had been a dismissive fall back position for me for the longest time. Of course there are all kinds of characters in the world but there is usually more than meets the eye behind every one. However I saw so much I didn't like when entering young adulthood that it gave me a wakeup call without the analytical skills to back up my initial assessment; skills my brilliant father already possessed when first passing on his life lessons to me.

Understanding human psychology helps us to realize that when people feel uneasy they tend to use defense mechanisms some of which can be caustic. The child who is made fun of for stuttering may have developed coping skills which included lashing out. In fact I worked with someone like this for years and they would have perodic exaggerated and belligerent outbursts during which their stuttering would return.

Being more forgiving is something I work on now as I disarm my quickness to judge while keeping my ability to assess completely intact. For i
t's easier to judge when a little something about you is still pending.

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Just when you think... have scraped the bottom of the barrel along comes Arnold Palmer...