Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Social transition

If you aren't sure whether you are transgender and want to determine it in a way that is the least intrusive, then social transition might be the answer for you. Nothing beats living in a gender role everyday to determine whether you are simply happy to dabble in occasional cross gender expression versus having it be an issue of core identity. Any doubts will start to disappear after a few weeks and certainly over a few months.

I know that many of us cannot do this due to numerous constraints, but I am a big advocate of the "less is more" approach as a way to test what you really need to do to tackle gender dysphoria (presuming you suffer from it) and, once you get to a more comfortable place, you can then see if more is required such as hormones or surgery.


  1. This is a really excellent approach. Totally agree. Experimenting in steps.

    1. You are entirely on your own timeline with only you as guide :)


All respectful comments are welcome :)

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