Thursday, November 9, 2023


Republicans aren't losing because there is something wrong with the structure of their party or their ability to sell their message. They are losing because the country disagrees with their extremist views which is only going to get worse as the demographic who votes Democratic only increases.

On the major issues of abortion and gun control the GOP position goes against national polling but since their party is a conglomeration of extremist groups there is nothing they can do except try to discourage minorities and young people from voting through gerrymandering.

Yes, authoritarianism appeals to Bible thumping Evangelicals and other extremists within their base, but you can't help but wonder how they didn't see that hard line views don't win elections and that they should soften their stance to keep moderates and independents. But that ship has sailed now and it's a matter of time before the current version of the party becomes irrelevant.

Who knows, maybe out of the ashes some moderates and independents can form a saner version of a conservative party without the election-denying batshit crazy conspiracy theorists they have been banking on for a while now.

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