Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Blanket Scripts

Anyone who has ever read my writing for any length of time knows that I don't readily buy into blanket scripts. The old one used to be that you were only "authentic" if you took hormones and had surgery while the new one is that all forms of gender variance are necessarily a sign a person is transgender. That latter one I believe is largely responsible for the increasing number of young detransitioners making videos bemoaning their mistake with some ending up at traditional approved clinics seeking help.

We should carefully study our own behavioral patterns before self diagnosing as anything and if in doubt, a licensed gender therapist with plenty of experience should be able to help us. For example, the clinic I went to has a less than 2% regret rate on transitions because they know what they are doing.

But even if transition isn't a goal, we should be trying to write our own script rather than buying into blanket ones written by popular opinion of the moment. W
e question everything; especially ourselves.

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