Saturday, November 25, 2023


"I've turned into such a girl" I jokingly texted my friend Patricia after just having exchanged photos of our latest nail varnish.

"You always were and now you're allowed to be yourself" she texted back which immediately struck a chord with me because I knew she was right. I had spent so many years avoiding being myself as much as possible only to finally succumb to the inevitable.

Living as a woman has been both edifying and rewarding but mostly it just feels natural; like it was always meant to be. There is nothing like touching upon core identity and feeling the sense of peace which accompanies it.

I was always a hesitant participant because I had so fervently bought into a role which was handed to me virtually from birth and yet the oil invariable floats to the surface because it cannot be forever suppressed. Most of the people who know me tell me I'm happier and more comfortable in my own skin and they aren't wrong.

Mostly, to me, it just feels like home.

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