Sunday, November 12, 2023


What is left now besides completing adjusting to retirement is to disarm myself of frustration at a world replete with boundless stupidity and injustice. As we grow into ourselves and realize that so much of our suffering happened while we were under the thumb of complete dimwits, we cannot help but feel indignant.

People can be deeply disappointing and yet there are such jewels out there among the masses who have helped me beyond measure and keep me hopeful. As a fiercely independent critical thinker who sees the world for what it is and keeps her distance from herd mentality, I still want to be less indignant.

My journey has given me strength and when you remove the weight of repression from your body you suddenly feel much stronger. However you need to avoid beating others over the head with your new found energy. Thank God that almost every day I see something which deeply humbles me.

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