Wednesday, November 15, 2023


I have surmised that most of my readership (what is left of it) is similar to me in some fashion. This means that they have reflected more than once on transition and cannot or are in process of reflecting on what to do about their situation. This also means that they are likely gender dysphoric and have known for a very long time (likely since childhood) that they were different. They take this topic seriously because it touches upon core identity.

If this is you, you represent a subset of the gender variant world who has grappled with this all your life. The younger you are, the less social stigma has affected you although coming out in this environment is still no picnic.

I write for myself and for you as we reflect on how to proceed with life in a way that respects commitments we have made to others while finding and respecting some semblance of authenticity. It's never been a better time for us but it comes with more confusion and options than ever which also makes the process more fraught with uncertainty.

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