Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Alphabet people

The proof that gender and orientation variance means different things to different people comes out when you probe into their individual stories. Some conservatives like to use the derogatory term "alphabet people" to denigrate what has become an increasingly wide and inclusive group that turns out to be just a slice of humanity. This effort to sweep up everyone into a cluster who isn't normative in orientation or gender through the use of terminology is in my view becoming a bit excessive. You could see us continue to add letters and thus dilute its original intended purpose.

The reality is that the perfect binary never really existed and when you factor in what Kinsey found with his scaling of sexual orientation, you find that human beings are complex when you get them talking behind closed doors.

As society has become more accustomed and tolerant of openly expressed divergence from what was previously accepted, there has been an attempt to start naming because that's what we do. This is how you end up with LGBTQIA which now picks up intersex and asexual people. It's not wrong by any means but I think that we will move beyond this once society grows up and just lets people be. Plus, my natural aversion to be swept up into groups just has me imagining obedient sheep to the point that when I hear the term community I bristle just a bit.

I know enough about gender variant people over the years to understand that there are often very wide and marked differences between them such that trying to fit them all into the same box sometimes produces comparisons which make little sense. So I simply like to go back to the root source and find out what motivates them which tells me so much more.

Rather than all the letters, I tend to prefer the designation 'human being'.

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