Friday, December 22, 2023


You may have noticed that writing to entertain disinterests me completely and what I am always after are fundamental truths which can help each of us to better ourselves. In particular, as someone who was always part of a small minority, I am fascinated with how to navigate the world given its innate injustice and rejection of "other".

While I don't hold out hope for improving human intelligence, I do count on the apathy which comes with increased visibility. In other words, once people get used to something they tend to stop fearing and thus caring about it.

Conservative mindsets can't be helped although they always form part of a minority in every population. Once their rhetoric stops working, they eventually give up and move on to the next strawman. Thus if we go back to the fundamental drivers of humanity as being love and fear, we can predict with virtual certainty what the next moral panic will be because the masses tend to be limited and gullible; a reality which many will take free advantage of.

Some people are twisted and will deal with their own insecurities with finding flaw in others and that will never be cured as a human failing.

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