Tuesday, December 5, 2023


I need to examine my own mindset on things all the time. The young man was disheveled and wore tattered clothing and came to me asking if I could pay or his yogurt based product. I got and went to pay and at the cash he also asked for a large coffee but then I told the girl I would only pay for his parfait which turned out to be $5.18. This because of what I read to be his presumptious attitude.

He did not thank me or look at me which admittedly bothered me a bit when it really shouldn't have for I wasn't doing it to be thanked.

Large cities are increasingly full of people on the margins which is something I often reflect on and even if I went around giving of my own money it wouldn't make a ripple and only shrink my own finances.

I want to be part of the solution but I realize I don't have the fortitude to go into the trenches. I have worked hard, lived responsibly all my life and denied myself things to keep my bank account on the positive balance. Part of me thinks I don't owe someone else who has not done so, only that not everyone has the advantages I was given to start.

It's going to take a global effort where we all do our little share to make the world a better place and maybe as a start we can eliminate the hoarding of wealth such that the lion share doesn't belong to the top 10%..

Yes, that $5 was paid out gladly and yet the impact of the interaction stayed with me long after.

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