Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Let's hope I'm wrong

It appears that sometimes it's inevitable that something be tried and then a hard lesson learned. After all, this is the pattern of history so no point in denying it.

The particular combination of anger, apathy, ignorance and echo chamber misinformation has produced the perfect recipe for America to finally go down the rabbit hole of authoritarianism. If nothing else it destroys the myth that it is immune because of its exceptionalism.

There's no way to explain the current polling other than to cite all those influences combining together to rattle the current power structure. People are justifiably unhappy with the state their country is in and they are willing to gamble. In their defense, those who pull the strings are fine with the way things are and nothing short of rebellion will have them release their comfortable grip on things.

That oligarchy doesn't work forever should be obvious and unfortunately it seems that sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make a cake. It won't be pretty with an odious and malignant sociopath in power but at least the country will get a real up close view of what dictatorial rule brings. Those who, like me, thought the first term was sufficiently horrendous will need to buckle in this time.

Let's hope I'm wrong about what happens.

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