Monday, December 18, 2023


Positions in the my former field of expertise are required everywhere but there aren't enough qualified bodies to fill them because short term thinking by expanding companies yielded miscalculations. Reliable and experienced boomers began to retire and they took their invaluable experience with them. Even now I am beating off my former company who would have me take as many mandates as I could handle as a consultant.

One major error was thinking that the more patient education of my era could be replaced by technology which was monstrously idiotic. We now have plenty of graduates who are expected to fast track training which took me over 10 years of project exposure to absorb. I regularly see mistakes not only steeped in lack of common sense but in the thinking that the right software will produce the right result.

I had warned my company years ago that we were headed for this because, in our yearning for profits and expansion, we left out hiring and training by thinking these people could be picked up in the marketplace at any time which was the epitome of arrogance. I don't like to regale in I told you so but I did give them years of warning and now middle managers are burning out with their own workload plus dealing with new hires.

Short term thinking yields short term gain and instead of carefully crafting homegrown talent, their zeal to save money did them in.

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