Friday, December 1, 2023


For the longest time I had been left somewhat traumatized by my inability to hold on to romantic love and yet today I have never been more content. Not because I don't possess it, but rather because I am in touch with a core identity which supercedes it in importance.

I had been going about things all wrong and tried, as much of my generation did, to fit into a structure that did not suit me plus I now understand that many of the choices we make in youth are based on fear of solitude and societal obligation. All that to say that there are no couples I currently envy.

So I am more primed and ready for it than ever but don't miss it because I know all the pitfalls of erring and so, whether it comes or not, the roots I have firmly planted shall not be disturbed; emphasis on the shall not.

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Brick wall

This is what you are up against with MAGA...