Monday, December 4, 2023

Slow moving coup

It's been fascinating to witness in real time how a population can fail to react to what is akin to a slow moving Coup d'Etat. The GOP, now turned into pseudo-Christian Nationalist authoritarian cult, is even openly telling the population that it intends to dismantle the structure of American democracy and yet it barely registers. If the latest polls are any indication, the front runners are unbelievably neck in neck.

Say what you want about Biden and the Dems, at least they are trying to keep the boat afloat instead of sinking it and at least are doing something to support the most marginalized communities. Contrast that against a Republican culture war onslaught which threatens to make the lives of many Americans completely miserable.

I continue to say that so many people on this planet are so hopelessly deluded and misinformed on even the most basic topics that it is no longer a wonder to me that despots are able to take hold of power. What you need to do is stoke the most base and raw instincts of the electorate using fear as the driving force which is precisely how Hitler was able to do it in the 1930's.

I've had more than my fair share of discussions with people that were so completely obtuse and misinformed that it left me despondent about their ability to make decisions with any type of critical thinking.

Sadly in politics it can often be a decision based on who can do the least harm rather than who is best suited for the job.

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