Monday, January 15, 2024

Know Thyself

I tell my children to ideally find out who they are before they allow love to find them. Many of us made decisions when we were young and society told us it was time to procreate. Certainly the nuclear model of the family was still in effect when I made my own decision not to mention I was very much in denial of my own identity.

But if I like anything about today it is that the obligation to adopt preordained models is gone albeit at the price of leaving many confused about what the new rules are. I see online content decrying that "dating is dead" and some of that is true since the codependency we subsisted on for centuries is now largely a thing of the past. The bread winner husband and homemaker wife have both been relegated to ancient history to be replaced by something we are still in the process of figuring out.

So before they commit to anyone and despite having no regrets myself, I tell both of them: "know thyself"

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