Saturday, January 27, 2024

No stone left unturned

One thing I am very proud of is how hard I tried to fit into a societal role that wasn't entirely suited to me. There was certainly no lack of effort on my part and for that reason there is no regret about letting anyone down. I did my best and am moving forward with authenticity knowing that every avenue was explored which is why I became so single minded in my research on this subject matter and made sure to leave no stone unturned.

In the end it's not about the science (although exploring it was mandatory for me) but more about accepting your uniqueness in a world that desperately craves predictability and uniformity. It was about dealing with gender dysphoria in a mature and balanced way which also respected previous commitments made to others.

I feel it is important to think of ourselves as individuals first and foremost and consider our own set of circumstances rather than look to others. Inspiration is one thing, but in scratching below the surface of the life of another we will undoubtedly find more complexity than is being advertised. If you are also dysphoric then your life has also been complex and it's hardly been a game. It is for this reason that any solution involve intelligence and maturity as well as much reflection.


  1. The American Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) made a major find of a large marijuana field. The decision was to cut down the plants and burn the field. All plants were gathered into a large pile that was set on fire. As the pile was starting to burn well, a large flock of birds was seen flying by. The event will be forever known as “the day no tern was left un-stoned”.


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