Friday, January 5, 2024

Our relationship to clothes

Transgender people's relationship to clothing tends to mirror that of the general population. This means that some will care a lot and others not give it a second thought and simply live in t-shirts and jeans.

If we derive identity from our core, clothing becomes a tool to convey it and can lose significance and power as we become more in tune with internal sense of self. In other words, it is yet another mode of personal expression and not an end goal.

As I've gotten older my choices lean more towards comfort because I won't spend many hours in anything I can't wait to remove when I get home. It's fair to say that the way I dress today is pretty much aligned with many women my age. Of course everyone has their own preferences but I fit in because I don't dress to stand out but mostly to please myself.

Interestingly my closet has been getting smaller over the years as I have opted for basics I can then mix and match and eventually add accessories to. A scarf, a ring, my choice of earrings will be what adds a bit of uniqueness. In general however, I don't like overthinking and favor a less is more approach.

Even when I was living on regular outings I haven't changed that much except for the comfort angle. The longer I spent out wearing something the more the lesson of avoiding pain and discomfort was drilled into me. So when in doubt I tend to aim for comfy and casual but never frumpy.

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