Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The key

I now focus exclusively on being myself. A lady I am sitting next to on the bus spontaneously begins talking to me and we have a very friendly conversation during a 10 minute stretch. However, since I no longer try and guess what people are thinking, it frees my mind completely and I interact with much more ease. She may assume she is chatting with a genetic female but that doesn't matter to me in the least.

This is the optimum mental state I always needed to arrive at where I am far less concerned with what other people see than what I see in myself. In other words, the key to our arriving at the right place as transgender people is to cleanse the psyche so we can become our true selves. The older one is, the more this becomes a pivotal exercise since we have received much more programming contrary to our nature.

After that, any decision to do something with our bodies is made with a far more patient and measured rationale.

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