Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Theocratic certainty

For proof that blind orthodoxy produces lapses in critical thinking look no further than American evangelical fialty to Donald Trump. The antithesis of the religious man, he somehow represents for them the flawed liberator of those long suffering souls who pray for theocracy to rescue them. Don't bother trying to reason with people who think the earth is 6,000 years old and humans shared the landscape with dinosaurs for there is little that can be done unless a major deprogramming is performed on them.

The Dominican priest Thomas Aquinas believed that the existence of God could be arrived at through natural law. Hence for him the marriage of faith and reason was possible but you couldn't contravene logic to get there. These people are not that.

I reflect often on how gullible people can be while also being so certain of their beliefs are correct. In those cases, trying to challenge their dogma just gets their backs up since it is so closely tied to an entire structure on which they have based their existence. Thus if you destroy any one of their fundamental beliefs, the whole thing comes down like a house of cards.

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