Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Trump voters tend to be angry, white and disgruntled. They are frustrated with their economic situation and have fallen prey to the toxic messaging that foreigners, the LGBTQ agenda, the "woke", or some other strawman is out to get them. It is a rage vote rather than one for policy or agenda.

The GOP has nothing to offer its voters and since their main beneficiaries tend to be more well to do than average and can afford to invest in stock markets, the base of the party is fed rhetoric and conspiracy theories in exchange for votes.

When the middle class was healthy you could have a conservative party who talked fiscal responsibility and lower taxes and where the cultural rage was at least kept more quietly in a closet. For some reason cultural and fiscal conservatism cannot entirely be decoupled it seems and often come as a matched set. Now it's all cultural grievance run amok and little else.

The reality is that capitalism as it exists today has run its course and has only continued to enrich a small minority while the rest lose out. It is not sustainable and people can feel it. Many just don't understand the mechanisms that got us here and their anger is then exploited.

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