Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A gathering

I love to see transgender people out in the wild (provided I can spot them of course). As a group averse person, I am already wary of big gatherings but also because I see so much more value to be gained on our own in the real world.

I have never attended any event or convention with other gender variant people and don't plan to but not because I am not a great defender of their rights. An analogy for me would be a gathering of all native born Spaniards who emigrated to Canada. While it might be nice, it wouldn't necessarily do that much for me.

My objective has always been how to figure out a way to normalize my nature which wasn't going to happen within segregated meetings which might provide support but potentially could also have me stagnate. So while I might see their value for many as a potential starting point to begin to try their wings, I would be tempted to give them no more weight once we are fully airborne.

A protest rally or some other vehicle for advocacy would be the exception.


  1. Finding a sense of community without finding sense in being communal? I get it.


All respectful comments are welcome :)

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