Monday, March 11, 2024

Harry Benjamin is a what?

In a recent video, Matt Walsh called Harry Benjamin a quack. Granted, Walsh is an ignorant imbecile but his rhetoric gets lapped up by his audience who desperately wants to believe that the "trans ideology" is an existential threat. For the record, Benjamin was arguably one of if not the most notable endocrinologist of the 20th century.

Walsh was critiquing WPATH and it's history and who else's name should come up during the video but Anne Lawrence who is a self-described Autogynephile. Walsh of course was all over that one because it's a bread and butter selling point for the criticals. One could not possibly pass up the work of someone who wrote "Men Trapped in Men's Bodies" and who was an adoring disciple of Ray Blanchard's.

I have never argued against the idea that some people may indeed transition for sexual reasons. My issue is with trying to apply universality without the foolproof science to back it up and no, becoming aroused sometimes is not enough.

I did not see Walsh's entire screed because I know his shtick well but caught the excerpts from a video made by "The Serfs" which is a progressive political YouTube channel I sometimes watch. Lance did a great job trying to pick apart Walsh but you can still see how information percolates its way into media so it can be used by people with agendas who haven't delved deeply enough into the material.

They just want ammunition.


  1. My guess is that there are fewer self-aroused trans women than there are cis men who are aroused by trans women. I have only anecdotal evidence to support this, but I also wonder which ones in the two groups are more likely to be in denial (probably the loudest ones, though).

    1. Interesting point Connie and I suspect there are some self-hating men who would deny that attraction and hence are indeed vocal

  2. How I, a gender dysphoric trans woman, put far less emphasis on my own genitals than would those of his ilk, is beyond me. Of course, I'm not attempting to make anyone stand up and pay attention (so to speak).

    1. Haha leave it to you to be punny:) Walsh just needs to discredit and using perversion as an argument is one they love

    2. Like a straw man with a straw pole (take that any way you'd like)?


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