Sunday, March 3, 2024

Red Meat

With no previous history of gender dysphoria, her once bearded and flannel-clad husband transitions after 2 years. He begins dressing as a woman and then identifying as one bolstered by an online community that reinforces his thinking. The "trans widow" (as they are sometimes called) is behind a podium and gives her liberal credentials before stating she very much doubts her now ex-husband is a woman.

This testimonial is of course red meat for the haters of the dreaded "gender cult" and they jump on every chance to generalize every story as applicable to the whole.

I don't presume to tell anyone how to lead their lives or how to identify only that I bemoan the fact that this happens. We are much too ideological to use critical thinking and nuance and even apply a little charity. Stories like these are more commonplace today of course, but the fact that this one is featured on a toxic site only confirms what I already know about some of the more distasteful aspects of human nature.

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